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SEOLeverage - The SEO Podcast for Online Business Owners

Jul 2, 2021

In episode 35 of the SEOLeverage Podcast, Gert Mellak outlines the essential skills needed for a successful career in SEO. He highlights the importance of both technical and non-technical skills, such as writing, communication, and critical thinking. The episode also covers the value of flexibility, decision-making, and staying up-to-date with the latest SEO trends.

A website that appeals to visitors correlates with high search engine rankings. Without SEO, it’s hard to say how we would ever find websites, businesses, or the information we seek on a daily basis. If your business has a website, SEO is important and based on the way search engines are developing, it’s unlikely that SEO will lose importance any time soon.

On this premise, we need to ensure that the people working in SEO should have the necessary skillset in order for them to focus on the overall strategy to be successful in SEO.


Podcast Highlights:

00:00 Prologue

00:35 Introduction of the topic

01:02 The role of an SEO person and the team. (...What he and his team need to know?)

02:45 In order to be successful in SEO, what are the skill sets needed in hiring an SEO person?

  • writing skill
  • communication skill
  • consistency in execution
  • curiosity and flexibility 
  • broad digital marketing knowledge

08:25   End



Previous episode mentioned, Episode 21 -


The ERICA SEO Framework:


Connect with Gert Mellak:

